Admissions Contact:9443805548/9488488730

Los Angeles

Establishment of Committee For SC/ST (2024-2025)

As per AIC TE guidelines, a committee is formed for prevention of atrocities against SC/ST students under the Act No. 33 of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. In case of any grievance in this regard, students can approach the committee for redressal. The committee will suggest measures to prevent atrocities, if any against any of the SC/ST students in the institute and to ensure the feeling of security amongst them as per the provisions in the said act.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • To counsel and guide SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues if any.
  • To inform the SC/ST students regarding various scholarships / program of State Govt. and UGC. Function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the college and render them necessary help in solving their academic as wetl as administrative problems.
  • To ensure the Prevention of Atrocities on the SC, ST Staff, Faculty and Students.
  • To hear and resolve the issues/complaints if any; of such nature of Atrocity reported/complained.
  • The Composition of SC/ST Committee
    1. The Principal of the College is the Chairperson of the cell.
    2. One senior faculty from college is the Vice Chairman of the cell.
    3. Two ladies' representatives from the teaching staff.
    4. Three representatives from the College, one from teaching and two from non-teaching staff.

     S.No  Name  Designation
    1 Mr.M. Sabanayagam Chairperson (Principal)
    2 Mr.Jeevanatham Member
    3 Mr.Mariyadoss Member
    4 Mrs. Vijaya Member

    • Admissions Contact:
    • Annai College of Polytechnic
      Anakudi road
      Kumbakonam -612 503
      Thanjavur (District)
    • Contact Numbers
    • Cell:9443805548,9488488730
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