Admissions Contact:9443805548/9488488730

Los Angeles



Counselling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals.

Counselling cell activities comprises the following:
l. Personal & emotional Problems (Stress, Anxieties, Depression, Conflicts, Fear & Phobias)
2. Adjustment problems (Peers, Family, & Friends)
3. Health and Financial problems
4. CoLmselling the family members & students friends, wbenever it is mandatory
5. Persona] introspection methodology
6. Counselling greatly helps our students to improve their self-knowledge, well-being and attain clarity of mind and thus they are more inspired, motivated and organized
• To develop a Responsible and accountable attitude among the students.
• To look at the complaints lodged by the students as per thefr needs.
l. To make students understand the importance of education along with discipline.
2. Closely watch and observe the students behavior inside the college campus and correct them whenever we fi:nd mistakes.
3. To provide guidance to the students on various ways.
4. To develop positive attitude and behavior towards the society.
5. To help students to solve their personal, educational and psychological problems.

CoUegiate Student Grievance Redressal Committee (CSGRC) A complaint :from an aggrieved student relating to a college shall be addressed to the Collegiate Student Grievance Redressal Committee (CSGRC), with the following composition namely: l. Principal of the college - Chairperson.
2. Three senior members of the teaching faculty to be nominated by the Principal-Members.
3. A representative from among students of the college to be nominated by the Principal based on academic merit/excellence in sports/performance in co-curricular activities - Special Invitee.
4. The tenn of the members and the special invitee shall be two years.
5. The quorum for the meeting including the Chairperson, but excluding the special invitee, shall be three.
6. In considering the grievances before it, the CSGRC shall foHow principles of natural justice.
The CSGRC shall send its report with recommendations, if any, to the Vice- Chancellor of the affiliating University and a copy thereof to the aggrieved student, within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt oftbecomplaint.

Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee (DSGRC) A complaint by an aggrieved student relating to a Department, or School, or Centre of a University shall be addressed to the Departmental Student Grievance Redressa] Committee (DSGRC) to be constituted at the level of the Department, School or Centre, as the case may be, and with the following composition, nan,-ely:
l. Head of the Department, School, or the Centi"e, by whatever designation known - Chairperson;

2. Two Professors, from outside the Department/School/Centre to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor- Members;

3. A member of the faculty, well-versed with the mechanism of grievance redressal to be nominated by the Chairperson- Member;
1. A representative•from among students of the college to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor based on academic meriUexcellence in sports/performance in co-cunicular activities - Special Invitee.
11. The term of the Chairperson, members of the Committee and the special invitee shall be of two years.
111. The quorum for the meeting of DSGRC, including the Chairperson, but excluding the special invitee, shall be three.
1v. In considering the grievances before it, the DSGRC shall follow principles of natural justice.
The DSGRC shall submit its repo1t with recommendations, if any, to the Head of the Institution/ Vice Chancellor, with a copy thereof to the aggrieved snident, within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
Institutional Student Grievance Redressal Committee (ISGRC) Where a complaint does not relate to any academic Department, School or Centre of a University, as the case may be, the matter shall be referred to the Institutional Student Grievance Redressal Committee (ISGRC) to be constituted by the Vice Chancellor, with the following composition, namely:
(a) Pro-Vice ChanceJJor/Dean/Senfor Professor of institution - Chau-person;
(b) Dean of students/Dean, Students Welfare - Member;
(c) One senior academic, other than the Chairperson - Member;
(d) Proctor/Senior academic -Member;
(e) A representative from among students of the college to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor based on academic merit/excellence in sports/performance in Co-curricular activities - Special Invitee.
(ii) The term of the members of the committee shall be of twoyears.
(iii) The quomtn for the meetings of the ISGRC, including the Chairperson, .but excluding the special invitee, shall be three.
(iv) In considering the grievances before it, the ISGRC shall follow principles of natural justice.
(v) The ISGRC shall send its report with recommendations, if any, to the Vice Chancellor, a1ong with a copy thereof to the aggrieved student, within a period of 15 workings days from the date of receipt of the grievance.
University Student Grievance RedressaJ Committee (USGRC) The Vice Chancellor of an affiliating Uruversity shall constitute such number of University Student Grievance Redressal Committees (USGRC), as may be required to consider grievances unresolved by one or more CSGRC or DSGRC or ISGRC and each USGRC may take up grievances arising from col1eges/departments/ Institutions on the basis of the jurisdiction assigned to it by the Vice Chancellor.
1. A senior Professor of the University- Chairperson;
2. Dean, Student Welfare or equivalent -Member;
3. Two Principals drawn from the affiliating colleges, other than those connected with reports of CSGRC under review, to be nominated by the VJCe-Chancellor - Members;
      a. One Professor of the University- Member;
      b. A representative from among students of the college to be nominated by the        Vice Chancellor based on academic merit/excellence in sports/pe1fonnance cocurricular activities - Special Invitee.
      d. The Chairperson, members and the special invitee shall have a tenn of two years.
      e. The quorum for the meeting, jncluding the Chairperson, but excluding the special invitee, shall be three.

  S.No  Name  Category  Present Designation / Occupation
1 Mr.M.Sabanayagam Chairman Principal
2 Mr.Premnath Member Lecturer
3 Mr.Vivekchandran Member Lecturer
4 Mr.S. Kolanchinathan Member Lecturer

  • Admissions Contact:
  • Annai College of Polytechnic
    Anakudi road
    Kumbakonam -612 503
    Thanjavur (District)
  • Contact Numbers
  • Cell:9443805548,9488488730
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